Announcement – Resumption of UPCoE Offices starting August 19, 2020

Important Announcement The UP College of Engineering (UPCoE) will resume operations in its offices with a skeleton workforce (50% of personnel) starting tomorrow, August 19, 2020. To ensure everyone’s safety, especially considering the continuing spike in CoViD-19 positive cases on the campus, please observe the UPD CoE Post-ECQ Protocols and Guidelines (Full document can be…

Guillermo O. Tabios III, PhD is the newest Professor Emeritus of the UP College of Engineering

The UP College of Engineering would like to extend congratulations to Dr. Guillermo Q. Tabios III, who was conferred with the title of Professor Emeritus. The award of this prestigious title recognizes his outstanding service to the University and exceptional contributions to Science and Engineering. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement and recognition! 

Laptop Donation Drive

The COVID-19 pandemic created a significant change in the mode of delivery of university courses. Currently, face-to-face teaching will be reduced, and a huge portion of courses will be delivered online. Students are now confronted with the reality that their education will rely heavily on having access to a computer. The UP College of Engineering…

SHIFTING/TRANSFER to UPD CoE AY 2020-2021 Announcement and Procedures

The College of Engineering is now accepting shifting/transfer applications for 1st semester, AY 2020-2021. Application starts today and will end on July 10. For shiftees within engineering (S1) and within UP Diliman (S2), and transferees from other UP units (T1), please refer to these guidelines. Send your application here: requirements: For transferees from…

Call for Support

The UPD College of Engineering, in cooperation with UP ERDFI and UP Alumni Engineers, is calling for donations to SUPPORT ENGINEERING PROJECTS in the fight against THE COVID-19 THREAT. Projects Proposed include:3D Printing Solutions for Our FrontlinersPrototype Adult VentilatorsTracking of High-Risk IndividualsDisinfection and Decontamination Through Plasma CleaningDisinfection of PPEs via UV Light For Cash Deposits:…