UP EEEI – NRCP Outstanding Institution Awardee and Prof. Henry Adorna – NRCP Achievement Awardee

The UPD College of Engineering congratulates Prof. Henry Adorna, PhD for winning the DOST – National Research Council of the Philippines Achievement Award for the Mathematical Sciences (II) Category, and the UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute for winning the 2019 DOST – National Research Council of the Philippines Outstanding Institution Award. “About the Awards: Started in 1979,…

Laptop Donation Drive

The COVID-19 pandemic created a significant change in the mode of delivery of university courses. Currently, face-to-face teaching will be reduced, and a huge portion of courses will be delivered online. Students are now confronted with the reality that their education will rely heavily on having access to a computer. The UP College of Engineering…

SHIFTING/TRANSFER to UPD CoE AY 2020-2021 Announcement and Procedures

The College of Engineering is now accepting shifting/transfer applications for 1st semester, AY 2020-2021. Application starts today and will end on July 10. For shiftees within engineering (S1) and within UP Diliman (S2), and transferees from other UP units (T1), please refer to these guidelines. Send your application here: bit.ly/CoESTAppAdmission requirements: bit.ly/CoEAdmission For transferees from…

NGSE Updated Procedures

The UPD National Graduate School of Engineering has updated its procedures for the following application processes: Admission to Candidacy Proposal Oral Defense (deadline on June 16, while July 3 for submission of hard bound copies/soft copy) Final Oral Defense Appeal for MRR, AWOL, and Grade Requirement Acceptance as Adviser/Advisee Late Application for Graduation Late Registration…

Requests for Certification

The College of Engineering is accepting requests for certifications. You can send your requests here: bit.ly/CoECertRequest The following certifications can be requested:-Academic Standing-Accredited Subjects for Shiftees (UP to UP only)-Admission to College-Certification of Grades (available only during registration period)-Completion of Academic Requirements with GWA-Completion of Academic Requirements with honors-Good scholastic standing-GPA/GWA-Graduating this current Semester/Midyear-No Pending Case*-Not…

UPD CoE Post-ECQ Protocols and Guidelines

The COVID-19 Academic Response Team puts forward the following protocols and guidelines to ensure the safety of UP Diliman College of Engineering personnel as essential and priority work are resumed after the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ). These recommendations are specific to the UPD College of Engineering faculty and REPS, staff, employees, and students and…