March 28, 2020
The Tracing for Allocation of Medical Supplies (TrAMS) project is part of Project 3: Tracking High Risk Individuals. TrAMS is an online system composed of geographic and tracking information of hospital’s medical supplies. This system is based on crowdsourced or volunteered information which could aid in the allocation of the medical supplies needed by each hospital. TrAMS project is an initiative of the UP College of Engineering (UPCoE) together with UP Department of Geodetic Engineering (UPDGE) led by Asst. Prof. Roseanne Ramos and Asst. Prof. Ransie Joy Apura, with team members from the UP Society of Geodetic Engineering Majors (UPGEOP), Mr. Gilson Andre Narciso and Mr. Dominic Fargas Jr. in the spatial database development team, and Mr. Cyan Erick Pascual. and Ms. Pamela Anne Todoc in the web development group.
The project’s interface is now ready for deployment, as such government agencies, donors and other interested parties may use this system as a tool for effective response and distribution of the supplies.
The web app link can be accessed through:
To achieve the main objective of TrAMs project, the team would like to request the participation of hospitals by regularly contributing their health facilities’ inventory of medical resources to our database (e.g., alcohol, sanitizing agent, masks/ respirators, gloves, goggles/face shields, PPE, etc.). All information derived herein will be used solely for the purpose of the project.
The project has two main components: (1) spatial database development and (2) web interface design and development. Spatial database development constitutes compilation and verification of geographic information from several sources such as existing databases from hospitals, from the academic community and from other parties, and social media posts. Web interface development involves identifying key features of the web application, storyboarding, database schema design, and implementation with the MERN technology stack.Some features of the TrAMS online interface are the following:
*Maps with display markers of hospitals and other features such as road and administrative boundaries
*Sidebar and tabs containing information on all hospitals, including supply inventory
*Filter function to enable query or search of hospitals based on name or medical supply need/level
*Map view showing other facilities near a selected hospital
*Integrated Google forms (i.e. Feedback Form and Donor Form) that can be used to provide feedback, share information and other queries to the project
The success of the TrAMS project would not have been possible without our donors and benefactors who gave their hard-earned money for the COVID-19 Engineering response projects. The UPCoE COVID-19 response team headed by Dean Ferdinand G. Manegdeg, together with Dr. Gerald Jo G. Denoga (Associate Dean for Research), Dr. Carl Michael F. Odulio (Associate Dean for Administration), Dr. Florencio C. Ballesteros, Jr. (Associate Dean for Instruction), Dr. Juvy A. Balbarona (Associate Dean for Student Affairs), Dr. Manolo G. Mena (NGSE Director), Dr. Eligia D. Clemente (College Secretary) and Dr. Eden May B. dela Peña (Associate Dean for Public Service) wish to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for your unwavering and very generous support.
We also wish to thank our partners:
• Project 3: Tracking High-Risk Individuals project lead, Dr. Ariel Blanco, and TrAMS project team and volunteers.
• UPCoE affiliates, UP Engineering Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (UPERDFI) through their president, Engr. Frederick Jonathan A. Trinidad and UP Alumni Engineers (UPAE) through their president, Engr. Elmir Dela Cruz.
For more information about this project, please send an email to Asst. Prof. Roseanne V. Ramos (rvramos@up.edu.ph), Project lead.
Furthermore, for inquiries on other engineering solution projects, kindly send an email to Dr. Eden May B. dela Peña (ebdelapena@up.edu.ph), Associate Dean for Public Service College of Engineering UP Diliman.