Appeal for Readmission for 1st Sem AY 2024-2025

We are now accepting appeals for readmission for 1st semester, AY 2024-2025 Access procedures here: Who should apply? 1. Students with academic delinquencies who did not apply for readmission and were not readmitted since 2nd semester, AY 2023-2024 2. Students on AWOL 3. Non-major students who need to appeal for extension of non-major status…

Latest Available Scholarships & ADSA Announcements

APPEAL FOR FREE TUITION FEE To appeal: Please wait for further announcements. STUDENT ORGANIZATION RENEWAL 2024-2025 ORG RENEWAL Follow the link below or scan the QR code Deadline : August 23, 2024. 5pm CALL FOR APPLICANTS for SCHOLARSHIPS and GRANTS Please see the details below for available scholarships. Please also check the official Facebook…