UPDATE: APPLICATION DEADLINE MOVED TO JULY 8 (FOR S1, S2, and T1 only) The UP College of Engineering is now accepting shifting/transfer applications for 1st semester, AY 2021-2022. Application starts on June 1 and will end on July 8.
For shiftees within engineering (S1) and within UP Diliman (S2), and transferees from other UP units (T1), please refer to these guidelines.
For Transferees from other schools/university (T2):
The Office of the University Registrar released the admission requirements for online submission of application and requirements for second-degree/transfer applicants from other schools and universities (T2) for AY 2021-2022You can access the guidelines here: https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/announce/t2online2021-2022.pdf
For T2 applicants, for concerns/inquiries: You may call at 8981-8500 local 4556 (MWF, 8-5 only)
For local applicants, you may email admission.our@upd.edu.ph
For foreign applicants and Filipinos studying in schools abroad, you may email onestop.our@upd.edu.ph
Send your applications by answering this form: bit.ly/CoEST2122
Admission requirements: bit.ly/CoEST2122Guidelines
For shifting/transfer inquiries/concerns, send an email to transfer_submit.engg@coe.upd.edu.ph.