In accordance with the national government’s announcement of the shift to Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) in the National Capital Region, the entire UP College of Engineering complex will be CLOSED from August 4 to August 18.
In line with this, all staff and members of the faculty are requested to immediately adopt a work from home (WFH) arrangement. For staff, please coordinate with your supervisors. For faculty, please coordinate with your respective Institute Directors or Department Chairpersons.
For immediate/emergency cases, digital signatures may be used for document processing. Documents that need wet signatures will have to wait until the MECQ is lifted after August 18 for processing. Please refer to our bulletins dated July 1 & 2, 2020 for further guidelines.
In exceptional cases, when personnel performing essential functions need to enter a UPCoE facility, then consider the following protocols:
Step 1: Inform the immediate supervisor regarding the request to enter the relevant UPCoE building.
Step 2: The immediate supervisor notifies the Department Chairperson or Institute Director regarding the request.
Step 3: The Department Chairperson or Institute Director notifies the Office of the Associate Dean for Administration.
Please refer to the MECQ Guidelines of the UPD College of Engineering for more information. If you have any questions and clarifications, kindly send an email to Assoc. Prof. Eden May B. Dela Pena (ebdelapena@up.edu.ph)
UPD CoE Bulletin August 3, 2020