The College of Engineering is accepting requests for certifications. You can send your requests here:
The following certifications can be requested:
-Academic Standing
-Accredited Subjects for Shiftees (UP to UP only)
-Admission to College
-Certification of Grades (available only during registration period)
-Completion of Academic Requirements with GWA
-Completion of Academic Requirements with honors
-Good scholastic standing
-Graduating this current Semester/Midyear
-No Pending Case*
-Not under contract to finish the course
-Not yet covered by MRR
-Remaining units
-True Copy of Grades (all grades including previous semester)
-Bonafide student
-Year Level
-Ranking by batch (based on whole Engineering graduates)
-Ranking in Course (all students under same degree program)
-Last enrollment
-Probable to graduate
-University Scholar
-College Scholar
*For request for Certificate of No Pending Case, secure clearance from SDC ( and send the clearance to
Upon submission, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the address you provided in the form (which may arrive within a few minutes later after submitting the form). If you DID NOT receive your confirmation e-mail, kindly send an e-mail to Mr. Ferdinand Molina at
1. The cut off time for applications received is 5:00 pm. Any application received after the cut off time will be processed starting the following working day.
2. Applications filed during non-working days will be processed the next working day.
3. Certificates will be available for release (with the scanned copy sent via email) after two to three working days. You may claim the physical copy at the COE guard (rear entrance) from Monday to Friday at 8am to 5pm. Please bring your ID for verification.
4. Payment
The fee is P20 per copy per certificate. You will need to pay for the appropriate amount at the UP Cashier’s Office (back of PNB). Take note of the following details when you make your payment:
Trust Fund Account Name: College of Engineering-College Secretary
Trust Fund Account Number: 1570-884-952-005-439
In case you are unable to pay at the moment, the Office of the College Secretary will tag you with an accountability in CRS which you may clear when classes resume.
For inquiries or other requests, email